Fresh "N" Fruity

A class of students were out picking berries when they came across a very strange berry bush. The colours of berries are supposed to be red but these berries were all colours!

The kids each took one from the bush, put them in their mouth and they turned every colour on the strange berry from purple to green and a heck of a lot of colours in the middle!

They took very long to cool off to be back to their normal colour. They collected every of the coloured berries on the bush and put them in their basket.

The next day the kids went back to the same berry bush and collected more and more and they were putting the berries into their basket. Each day the kids will go back to collect more and more but little did they know that the person who planted the berry bush left a sign, (a dangerous sign)

The sign said [If you keep eating these berries for more than 20 days in a row you will get a sickness that will never go away]

One little girl who was in their class seen the sign but didn’t tell her class what she had seen.

Anyway the girl knew that they were in a Fonterra competition called Fresh "N" Fruity and if they won they would of got 10,000 dollars, but in this competition you weren’t aloud to be sick or you would have been disqualified.

After 20 days the girl ended up winning the competition and got the money and the class didn’t know how they ended up getting sick but the girl ended up splitting up the money with the class and she was left with the rest.

The next day the girl picked another strange berry from the bush and sent it off for D.N.A testing and she found out what was in it. So she used all her money to find out what was in it and she planted her own when she found out the main ingredient she was spooked!!! Because the main ingredient was Toxic!

Then she said to herself oh well at least I won’t be the egg who eats the berries off the bush anymore… and everyone lived happily ever after (everyone except for her class)